Forcing Through - Vintage Primer: Cobra Gush

Vintage is arguably the most thought provoking format in all of Magic. Between the Power Nine and cards like Necropotence there are a potentially endless number of decks that you could build in order to be competitive is this high powered format. I would like to introduce you all to one of the decks that I am currently playing when somebody asks whether or not I want to play in this format.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Final Judgment - Avoiding Judge Calls

The Phyrexian Arena is proud to welcome a new columnist to our line up. The Final Judgment column is written by Jonathan Holland, a level 2 judge out of Middle Tennessee. He will typically be writing about Judging, Commander, and whatever else crosses his mind.

Ideas Unbound - Theros Prerelease Primer

This weekend brings us another Prerelease. As I’ve done for the last few sets today I’m going to do a Theros Prerelease Primer. We will look at some general strategies for Sealed as well as how it pertains to the Theros specifically. Then we will take a brief look at the mechanics as they pertain to Sealed play. At the end, we will evaluate the commons of each color and see look at my top 5 for each.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Into the Arena - Momir Daily 09/15/13

I've been promising video content for awhile now and I can finally deliver. This is a recording of a Momir Daily I played in this morning. It includes an intro video with a brief description of the format and all 4 rounds of the event. I would especially like feedback about this so I can improve the video content going forward.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Ideas Unbound - Theros Mechanics: First Look

Welcome back to another week of Ideas Unbound. The next major event I plan to attend is Grand Prix Louisville, which is after Theros comes out. Between this, and the fact that my new schedule at work means I will not be able to play FNM means that I won’t be focusing much on the current Standard format. Today we are going to look at some of the spoilers from Theros and see what we can divine about the next few months.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Skullcrack: Where've you been? Where ya goin'?

So, I am sure that the few readers I had (yes, I like to falsely reassure myself with my own feelings of self importance) are wondering, where's the posts at? What happened to you, Matt? Where've ya' been?

You know that is what I had been asking myself for the past couple of months with my successes in Magic being far and few between. I needed to stop and self reflect, but with a new job and a new schedule, as well as, an extra course that I thought covered with previous credits rearing its ugly head, my life had been down right hectic and no time for magic self-reflecting occurred. That brings us full circle and back to the original question, what happened to me?